Data Codebook
Data Variable Names for Lexical Decisions Experiment
- RT_WL — Mean reaction time (RT) for words in left visual field (LVF)
- RT_WR — Mean RT for words in right visual field (RVF)
- RT_NL — Mean RT for nonwords in LVF
- RT_NR — Mean RT for nonwords in RVF
- RT_W — Mean RT for words
- RT_N — Mean RT for nonwords
- RT_L — Mean RT for LVF
- RT_R — Mean RT for RVF
- RT_O — Overall Mean RT for all trials combined
- PC_WL — Percent correct (PC) for words in left visual field (LVF)
- PC_WR — PC for words in right visual field (RVF)
- PC_NL — PC for nonwords in LVF
- PC_NR — PC for nonwords in RVF
- PC_W — PC for words
- PC_N — PC for nonwords
- PC_L — PC for LVF
- PC_R — PC for RVF
- PC_O — Overall PC for all trials combined
- sex — Sex of participant (F=Female, M=Male, N=Non-binary, O=Other)
- hp — Hand Preference (L=Left, R=Right, A=Ambidextrous)
- cs — Course Section (1 to 9, with 0=Not in PSY 100)
- groupcode — Semester and section (for extracting subset of data)
- sessiondate — Date and time that experiment session concluded