Welcome to the Memory for Presidents Experiment

Before we begin the experiment, we need to collect some information about you.

1. Indicate your gender:
2. Did you attend high school in the USA?

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment

General Instructions

Experiment on Memory for Presidents

You are about to begin a two-part memory experiment. The first condition will test "recall memory" -- that is, how well you can retrieve information from memory with minimal retrieval cues.

The second condition will test "recognition memory" -- that is, how well you can retrieve information from memory with strong retrieval cues that allow you to match the retrieval cue against your memory for the information.

It is very important that you do not use any resources to help you on the memory tasks. You must use ONLY the information already stored in your own memory. You will be asked to verify this at the end of the experiment.

When you are ready to begin, press the "Recall Condition" button.

Recall Condition

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment

Recall Condition

Instructions for Recall Condition

In the text area below, type the first and last name of every U.S. President that you can recall. You can type them in any order. Use commas to separate the Presidents. If you can't remember the first name, type the last name only. Try very hard to spell the names correctly. If you prefer, you can type all names using lowercase only.

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment

Recognition Condition

Instructions for Recognition Condition

For each name below, indicate whether this person served as President of the United States. Then press the Submit My Responses button at the bottom of the list of names.

Did this person serve as President of the United States?

1. Aaron Burr:
2. Abraham Lincoln:
3. Alben Barkley:
4. Albert Gore:
5. Albert Riddle:
6. Alexander Bell:
7. Alexander Hamilton:
8. Alfred Landon:
9. Alfred Smith:
10. Andrew Carnegie:
11. Andrew Jackson:
12. Andrew Johnson:
13. Averill Harriman:
14. Barack Obama:
15. Benjamin Franklin:
16. Benjamin Harrison:
17. Calvin Coolidge:
18. Charles Curtis:
19. Charles Dawes:
20. Charles Fairbanks:
21. Chester Arthur:
22. Cordell Hull:
23. Daniel Tompkins:
24. David Patterson:
25. Donald Trump:
26. Dwight Eisenhower:
27. Edwin Merritt:
28. Elbridge Gerry:
29. Estes Kefauver:
30. Francis Parkman:
31. Franklin Pierce:
32. Franklin Roosevelt:
33. Garret Hobart:
34. George Bush:
35. George Dallas:
36. George Washington:
37. Gerald Ford:
38. Gideon Welles:
39. Grover Cleveland:
40. Hannibal Hamlin:
41. Harold Ickes:
42. Harold Stassen:
43. Harry Truman:
44. Henry Clay:
45. Henry Knox:
46. Henry Lodge:
47. Henry Stimson:
48. Henry Wallace:
49. Herbert Hoover:
50. Horace Walpole:
51. Hubert Humphrey:
52. Hugo Black:
53. James Buchanan:
54. James Carter:
55. James Fulbright:
56. James Garfield:
57. James Madison:
58. James Monroe:
59. James Polk:
60. James Quayle:
61. James Sherman:
62. John Adams:
63. John Breckinridge:
64. John Calhoun:
65. John Crittenden:
66. John Garner:
67. John Jay:
68. John Kennedy:
69. John Randolph:
70. John Tyler:
71. John Winthrop:
72. Joseph Biden:
73. Lawton Collins:
74. Levi Morton:
75. Lyndon Johnson:
76. Martin VanBuren:
77. Matthew Perry:
78. Meriwether Lewis:
79. Millard Fillmore:
80. Nathaniel Greene:
81. Nelson Rockefeller:
82. Oliver Holmes:
83. Orville Wright:
84. Patrick Henry:
85. Paul Revere:
86. Richard Cheney:
87. Richard Nixon:
88. Robert Finch::
89. Roger Williams:
90. Ronald Reagan:
91. Rutherford Hayes:
92. Samuel Morse:
93. Schuyler Colfax:
94. Sebastian Weisdorf:
95. Spiro Agnew:
96. Stephen Austin:
97. Stephen Douglas:
98. Theodore Burton:
99. Theodore Roosevelt:
100. Thomas Benton:
101. Thomas Edison:
102. Thomas Hendricks:
103. Thomas Jefferson:
104. Thomas Love:
105. Thomas Marshall:
106. Thomas Moore:
107. Thomas Pinckney:
108. Timothy Pickering:
109. Ulysses Grant:
110. Walter Mondale:
111. Warren Harding:
112. Wendell Wilkie:
113. William Bryan:
114. William Byrd:
115. William Claiborne:
116. William Clark:
117. William Clinton:
118. William Harrison:
119. William King:
120. William McKinley:
121. William Penn:
122. William Seward:
123. William Taft:
124. William Tweed:
125. William Wheeler:
126. Woodrow Wilson:
127. Zachary Taylor:
128. Zebulon Vance:

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment

Two Final Questions

Please answer this next question honestly. Your score on this project will not be affected by your answer, but your answer will determine whether we can include your data in the pooled results.

1. Did you use any reference material to help you remember the Presidents?

2. Who was the first President that you remember serving in office during your lifetime?

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment

Individual Results

Results Summary

Results Summary

Number Correct by President

Results by President

Percent Correct by Historical Era

Results by Historical Era

Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment


This concludes the Memory for Presidents experiment.

Thank you for your participation!

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Session ending . . .
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Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment