Welcome to the Survey on Personality and Life Satisfaction

Thank you for your willingness to participate in this survey. Your responses will be completely anonymous, so please answer each question truthfully, and please answer ALL the questions. When you finish all the questions, scroll to the bottom of the page and press the Submit Responses button.

Category A -- Personality: "I See Myself as Someone Who..."

Please respond to the following items using the following scale:
(Disagree strongly, Disagree a little, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree a little, Agree strongly)

a little
Neither agree
nor disagree
a little
  1. Is talkative
  2. Tends to find fault with others
  3. Does a thorough job
  4. Has a wide range of interests
  5. Is depressed
  6. Is original; comes up with new ideas
  7. Is reserved
  8. Is helpful and unselfish with others
  9. Prefers the conventional, traditional
  10. Can be somewhat careless
  11. Is relaxed; handles stress well
  12. Is curious about many different things
  13. Is full of energy
  14. Prefers work that is routine and simple
  15. Starts quarrels with others
  16. Is a reliable worker
  17. Can be tense
  18. Is clever and sharp-witted
  19. Tends to be quiet
  20. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences
  21. Tends to be disorganized
  22. Is emotionally stable; not easily upset
  23. Has an active imagination
  24. Perseveres until the task is finished
  25. Is sometimes rude to others
  26. Has unwavering self-confidence
  27. Is inventive
  28. Is generally trusting
  29. Tends to be lazy
  30. Is clear-thinking and intelligent
  31. Worries a lot
  32. Wants things to be simple and clear-cut
  33. Is sometimes shy and inhibited
  34. Has a forgiving nature
  35. Is idealistic; can be a dreamer
  36. Does things efficiently
  37. Can be moody
  38. Is ingenious; a deep thinker
  39. Generates a lot of enthusiasm
  40. Can be cold and aloof
  41. Enjoys thinking about complicated problems
  42. Makes plans and follows through with them
  43. Remains calm in tense situations
  44. Likes to reflect and play with ideas
  45. Is considerate and kind to almost everyone
  46. Seeks adventure and excitement
  47. Gets nervous easily
  48. Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature
  49. Has an assertive personality
  50. Is insightful; sees different possbilities
  51. Likes to cooperate with others
  52. Is easily distracted
  53. Is outgoing and sociable
  54. Has few artistic interests

Category B -- Life Satisfaction and Gratitude

Please respond to the following items using the following scale:
(Disagree strongly, Disagree, Disagree slightly, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree slightly, Agree, Agree strongly)

Neither agree
nor disagree
  55. In most ways my life is close to my ideal.
  56. The conditions of my life are excellent.
  57. I am satisfied with my life.
  58. So far I have gotten the important things I want in my life.
  59. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
  60. I have so much in life to be thankful for.
  61. If I had to list everthing that I felt grateful for, it would be a very long list.
  62. When I look at the world, I don't see much to be grateful for.
  63. I am grateful to a wide variety of people.
  64. As I get older, I find myself more able to appreciate the people, events, and situations that have been part of my life history.
  65. Long amounts of time can go by before I feel grateful for something or to someone.

Category C -- Demographic Questions

66. Please indicate your gender.

67. Please choose your course section.

That's all the questions. Please remember to press the Submit Responses button!
Thank you for participating!

Hope College PsychLabs: Personality and Life Satisfaction